Love your iPhone like never before!

Why do you Need an iPhone?

I am in my seventies and have been an IT Consultant for most of my working life.  I am so happy that I live in a day and age when technology is so advanced and so useful.

I use my iPhone for absolutely everything with the confidence that if I lose it or it is stolen, my personal information is not going to be revealed and I can reinstate it quickly onto a replacement phone.

It frustrates me that many of my friends and contemporaries are still unable to use their mobile phones effectively and are just using them to make calls and take photos.

A mobile phone is an extremely powerful mini-computer that you take in your pocket or handbag and is capable of so much more that is useful in daily life.

An iPhone is not just an accessory.  In this day and age of computing where most things we do such as making appointments, booking tickets for entertainment and travel, paying for parking – it is your way to keep in touch with the world and to interact with it.

There are so many features built into these little tablets of magic that most people don’t discover unless by accident.

I can’t get through an hour in any day without using mine and it is not just for sending messages or making phone calls and definitely not for taking selfies.

I hope that you will become convinced by my enthusiasm that setting things up and starting to use them will make your life much easier.

Explain to me why I need this course

No-one is born with IT skills and no matter how user friendly the manufacturers try to make the latest gadgets, unless you know what they can do, you won’t even know what to look for. Unless you are aware of how to use the Internet and have access to a computer, you won’t be able to search effectively for help either.

  • This guide will not only teach you what is available but tell you which Apps (Applications) you should have on your phone. I am going to point you to Features of the iPhone and Apps and for each one I will tell you why you might find them useful. I will also give you examples so that you can relate these features to your everyday life.

  • Navigation, weather reports, medical data, essential contacts, bus and train times, shopping and to do lists, free of charge phone calls and chats worldwide, credit card storage, audio books, books to read, music libraries, calendar, reminders, online banking, translation to other languages, instructions on how to use other devices and many more.

  • Communicate by phone, message, Email.

  • Find your way by any means of transport and on foot especially in unfamiliar locations.

  • Use safety features that enable you to call for help and to be tracked by your friends and loved ones when you are out and about.

  • Leave your credit cards and important documents such as driving licence at home and have working copies on your phone.

  • Have access to all your computer files whilst out and about.

  • Get up to date information on the weather.

  • Find local shops and services.

  • Book tickets and carry copies in your phone.

  • Take instant photos and videos not only of things you want to remember but also of events that need to be captured for evidence.

  • Travel out of your home with all of your entertainment media such as books, music, movies, radio.

The best reason of all is that in this one small device you can always have with you everything you need to function in your daily life.  

This course will present many useful features – one at a time and in one place.  It will explain each topic with clear graphics.  You will understand why you need to use them and how you can set them up yourself.

I originally intended to write this course for Seniors but in fact it will be useful to anyone who wants to get more out of their iPhone and stop relying on “bright young things” to set them up.

The purpose is to empower you by explaining in slow and graphic detail each feature – step by step. I will write about each feature step by step and show each feature with graphics.

The ideal way to use this instruction manual is on a Computer or iPad while you are following the instructions on your iPhone.  However, if you don’t have access to one of these you can print out a PDF version of every feature.

Who is this course for?

Computers are not just for young people

Many people of my generation believe that computers belong to the young and they don’t even try to use them. I started to use personal computers in 1979 and was so fascinated by what they could do for me that I became a self-taught expert.

My father was 64 years old and learnt alongside me.  He continued to learn enthusiastically for the next 25 years and is a shining example of how age is not a barrier.

Benefit of this course to younger users

Let me teach your parent, grandparent or other senior friend so that you don’t have to. Please understand that they are not stupid or incompetent but intimidated by technology.

They are also embarrassed about asking the same questions. Just think about how delighted they will be to unlock the power of the phone and be independent.

Patient and slow teaching is the key

When I look online at the many videos that are available, the biggest problem is that they are too fast.

Many cram too much information into a short video.

Even with one 40 years of computer knowledge I find it hard to keep up with the pace of the videos that are currently available.  So, I don’t know how anyone who is unfamiliar with computers, phones and technical terminology has a chance of finding the features - even the basics.

Learn to get the best out of your iPhone and be independent of your younger relatives and friends!!